Welcome to this second course in AI Python for Beginners: Automating Tasks with Python. Computers are amazing tools for getting stuff done. For example, you can have it search an entire book for a particular word. Or back up your family photos, or have it help you manage your personal collection of notes, or perform calculations on thousands of rows of sales data at work. And a computer will happily do the same thing over and over and do it accurately and predictably, and sometimes really, really fast. Computers can also automatically make decisions or help you make decisions. For example, we'll see a fun example later of using AI to help you decide what to work on next. We can have a look at what is high priority, and then help decide how to focus on the higher priority, rather than, say, the lower priority tasks on your to-do list. In the previous course, you learned some Python fundamentals such as: what is data, data types, how to do calculations, and what are variables and functions in Python. This course will build on those core concepts to go over how you can automate tasks with Python, by writing code that lets you tell it how to repeat actions and make decisions over and over and over. And we'll see some fun examples, such as some more complex ways of telling Python to store data. And you'll also see some special coding patterns, something called control statements, that that's a computer automatically decide to do something or to not do that something, depending on what data it sees. This will be useful for task prioritization or for using AI to create recipes, such as deciding whether or not to include certain ingredients, yes or no based on your friend's food preferences. Similar to the last course, you build some AI tools, as you go through this course. And these tools I hope will be useful for you, such as maybe help you customize recipes if you cook for your friends, or help you carry out high-priority tasks, or help you drop an email to your boss about your upcoming vacation or write a thoughtful birthday card message for a friend. And through this, you'll continue to use an AI chatbot to help you learn and code. So we continue to see how you can ask the chatbot questions about how Python works, or get this chatbot companion to help you write code or help you find bugs in the code. So lots of great stuff. And by the end of this course, you have leveled up significantly and built in the foundations you have from the previous course to build it to do much more. To have computers automate tasks for you. So that. Let's go on to the next video where you'll learn about a new type of data in Python called "a list". Previously, you learned about variables which can hold a number or a string. You know, kind of like one piece of data. Turns out lists can hold multiple pieces of data. Let's go on to the next video. Let's talk about that.